I remember seeing young Sebastian Van De Sype at my friend Peter Van De Sype’s home during late night music sessions. Peter is a great taster but an even greater classic music connoisseur. He introduced me into the sensitive world of music and he helped me discover the depth of Shostakovich work, Wagner, the famous and lesser known Requiems….. unforgettable evenings and late nights.

During this period we also exchanged many ideas and thoughts on wine, denomination, depth, mineral or acid, …. In short, Peter was a great intellectual sparing partner. A brilliant mind and exceptional person.

Years later, a receive a mail from Sebastian who at that time worked at Ferrari, formula 1 aerodynamics division and guess what: he wants to start making wine! On top of that, not just anywhere…. he fell in love with Lambrusco. As his father, Sebastian is not afraid of a challenge! I took a few days to answer and replied him with a very honest and documented mail, explaining to forget about this project… He called me and wanted to come visit me. We had a great day together with my importer in Maine, Ned Swain, who was also at home that day for a visit and had lots of discussions, arguments, wine and food… Obviously, Sebastian returned home convinced to start a winery.

We started to exchange many mails, and felt I needed to give Sebastian a hand in order not to make the mistakes I made and trying as much as possible to help him in his quest to make the best Lambrusco. A consultancy-collaboration-friendship was born!

Tenuta La Fiaminga, Società Agricola Semplice
Sebastian Van De Sype
Via Medusia
Levizzano di Castelvetro (MO)


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